Moving Through Life’s Phases

Life Has A Track List When you're making plans to move on to the next phase of life, or when you are close to a goal that you've set for yourself, Murphy's law is in full effect -- anything that can go wrong, will go wrong (or so it seems).  The people in your lifeContinue reading "Moving Through Life’s Phases"

4 Reasons Why “They” Don’t Know What They’re Talking About

Experts And Professors of Nothing When it comes to things that other people are dealing with, we're all experts.  It's very easy to analyze and diagnose other peoples problems from the outside, because it seems that we have a view of the bigger picture that the person going through it cannot see, which is notContinue reading "4 Reasons Why “They” Don’t Know What They’re Talking About"

Knowing Your Worth: Define Yourself

You Are Priceless Lately, a couple of my friends have been talking about this guy that we all know (or at least, know of).  He's the type of person who is all ego -- no substance.  I doubt if anyone really knows who he really is.  He's so obsessed with what he has that theContinue reading "Knowing Your Worth: Define Yourself"

Living To The Rhythm of Life

Finding A Groove That You Can Dance To I was playing around with my youngest son, Chris this evening, and I asked him to help me come up with a topic to  write about.  As we began tossing ideas around, a conversation commenced that went like this: Chris: What's going on with you right now?Continue reading "Living To The Rhythm of Life"

Letting The Past Off The Hook

Mind Control While sitting in my patio this morning, a thought randomly crossed my mind, and it really upset me.  That thought brought other unpleasant thoughts, and they were all related to each other.  They all shared a common bond. I believe that mornings set the pace for the rest of the day, so It'sContinue reading "Letting The Past Off The Hook"

Accepting Life’s Challenges

Turning Failures Into Flyness For the last few days, I've been pondering my upcoming transition as I prepare for it.  At times, it feels like I'm on an emotional rollercoaster, worrying about the most ridiculous things.  One night, I actually cried so hard, that I had to awaken my sons.  Why was I crying? BecauseContinue reading "Accepting Life’s Challenges"

Don’t Be Afraid To Say No

Take Care of #1 Those who have spent enough time around me have likely heard me state the phrase, "So.  They won't die from that", or, "They won't die from madness, disappointment, etc".  Anyone who has heard me make that statement most likely heard it during a conversation about someone having to say "NO" toContinue reading "Don’t Be Afraid To Say No"

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