What’s BEEF?

What can be learned from other people’s beefs. If you’re a Hip Hop Head as I am, then you are probably familiar with rap beef. However, in case you’re not familiar, a rap beef is when two or more rappers engage in a dispute via music. Sometimes, the “beef” is contained inside of the musicContinueContinue reading “What’s BEEF?”

What Is The Common Denominator?

Cleaning Out Your Mental Space Often in life, we come across recurring issues. Sometimes these are good issues, and sometimes, they are not. However, if we take time out to investigate the situations at hand, we might find that there are similarities in the metamorphosis of many of our dilemma’s. Once this has been discovered,ContinueContinue reading “What Is The Common Denominator?”

Shut Up, Sometimes

How To Respond To Other Peoples Situations I really enjoy writing Afrologik. From it’s inception, I’ve grown with each article, and, according to the feedback that I get, so have my readers! I am extremely grateful for that, because growth, has always been the purpose of this blog — we all grow together, and IContinueContinue reading “Shut Up, Sometimes”

Don’t Overestimate Your Personal Best

Your Best Will Fluctuate Yes, we should do our best at everything that we do, and be the best people that we can be at all times. However, don’t be foolish enough to believe that your best will be at the same level with every effort. That’s not always possible. Our personal bests will fluctuate.ContinueContinue reading “Don’t Overestimate Your Personal Best”

Keeping Your Cool When People Are Trying To Take It

How To Not Lose It! Not so long ago, I had a hair-trigger temper, and would quickly become upset and curse people out. Regardless of how minor an offense was, they all seemed major to me. Caring nothing about whether I was right or wrong, what was most important to me was that my feelingsContinueContinue reading “Keeping Your Cool When People Are Trying To Take It”

2 Days Left In 2018: What Writers Block Looks Like

A Look Back… I can only speak for myself, but 2018 was an awesome year! I traveled, I met some Facebook friends, I found myself, and I found the place that I really want to be (California); I’ve even started making plans to make that a reality. Most importantly, I started Afrologik, which has beenContinueContinue reading “2 Days Left In 2018: What Writers Block Looks Like”

Positivity VS Happiness — Are They One And The Same?

Accepting Positivity And Happiness As Separate Entities While scrolling Instagram a few days ago, I ran across the meme posted above, and it really hit home for me. “Staying positive doesn’t mean that you have to be happy all the time”. Well, that’s a relief. If being positive meant always being happy, then I’ve failedContinueContinue reading “Positivity VS Happiness — Are They One And The Same?”

Turning The Holiday Blues Into Holiday Yellows!

Don’t Let The Holidays Get You Down Yellow is my favorite color because it’s such a happy color. The sun and it’s rays are yellow, and so are sunflowers. Regardless of how bad things become, the sun and or sunflowers make(s) me feel better. In fact, the face almost forms a smile when the wordContinueContinue reading “Turning The Holiday Blues Into Holiday Yellows!”

Darkness, Static, & Light

Staying In The Game The day that I learned about the particulars of Borderline Personality Disorder was one of the hardest days that I’ve had to endure thus far. The first thing that came to mind was: “Most likely, I once had a chance at being great at something. Everything that I have done, beenContinueContinue reading “Darkness, Static, & Light”

Afrologik’s Top 5 Hype Jams!

Songs That Will Get You Off Your Ass! Music is a spirit. It’s a spirit that moves and grooves. I can only speak for myself, but music has gotten me through all of my rough times and has provided the soundtrack for all of my awesome times. I haven’t done a top five in aContinueContinue reading “Afrologik’s Top 5 Hype Jams!”

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