Living Life Without Limitations

Afrologik Blog #100! As of today, since September 30th, 2019, Afrologik has posted 100 blogs! This is indeed a milestone, not only for Afrologik, but also for the for me.  I’ve never been consistent enough to complete anything 100 times (as I’ve told you, I’m a habitual quitter).  Reaching 100 blog posts is an awesomeContinueContinue reading “Living Life Without Limitations”

Afrologik’s Top 5 Hype Jams!

Songs That Will Get You Off Your Ass! Music is a spirit. It’s a spirit that moves and grooves. I can only speak for myself, but music has gotten me through all of my rough times and has provided the soundtrack for all of my awesome times. I haven’t done a top five in aContinueContinue reading “Afrologik’s Top 5 Hype Jams!”

When You Become Bored…

Changing Your Mind Is Fine I’m not sure how many of you visit the Afrologik website, or if most of you read it via email. For those of you who do visit the website, you’ve noticed that I’ve changed some things. Well, actually, I’ve changed everything except the content. Why, you ask? Because I becameContinueContinue reading “When You Become Bored…”

Plan “A” Is All That You Need

10 Reasons Why A “Plan B” Isn’t Necessary “Plan B”, “Alternate Strategy”, “Back Up Plans” are all very practical and safe reasonings. After all, we have all been conditioned to think with the logic of the cliche “Plan A is always have a ‘Plan B’”. We all feel much safer knowing that we have several systems inContinueContinue reading “Plan “A” Is All That You Need”

It’s Really Not That Serious…

How To NOT Take Yourself Too Seriously If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times–ADULTING SUCKS! It’s overly consumed with responsibility and accountability–two things that have never been associated with fun. Even when we get a chance to let go for a while, we eventually have to remind ourselves of things like:ContinueContinue reading “It’s Really Not That Serious…”

Feeling Good About YOU!

Loving Your Flaws When Others Do Not “If you’ve not been criticized, booed, jeered, or such; it’s not because you have no flaws, but because you don’t count so much” ~Danny Thomas I fell in love with that poem when I heard Danny Thomas say it at the end of a Dean Martin’s Celebrity RoastContinueContinue reading “Feeling Good About YOU!”

You Are What You Attract

The Art of Checking Yourself Do you ever wonder why it seems that wherever you go and whatever you do, you tend to meet the same types of people? If you are constantly being aligned with good people, then meeting good people is your expectation and the universe is meeting your expectation in a goodContinueContinue reading “You Are What You Attract”

Enter The Good Vibes Zone

Finding Little You A lot of our “grown up” time on this planet is spent doing what we “have to do”. Working, paying bills, spending our time and energy on people and things that we probably wouldn’t choose on our own, but it’s what has to be done (adulting sucks!). If we are not careful,ContinueContinue reading “Enter The Good Vibes Zone”

Five Things That Crack Me Up

Hello my friends! I just had one of those moments where I was suddenly overcome with laughter. There are not enough of those moments. I’ve created a short list of things that never fails to crack me up! For some reason, when it comes to making lists, 5 is always my magic number. With thatContinueContinue reading “Five Things That Crack Me Up”

12 Steps To Staying Youthful

Just a few moments ago, I went to the store to buy a nice bottle of Merlot (my favorite wine). I placed the bottle on the counter to be rung up by the cashier. The cashier; a man that I assumed to be in his early 40’s like myself, had a goatee with flecks ofContinueContinue reading “12 Steps To Staying Youthful”

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