What’s BEEF?

What can be learned from other people’s beefs. If you’re a Hip Hop Head as I am, then you are probably familiar with rap beef. However, in case you’re not familiar, a rap beef is when two or more rappers engage in a dispute via music. Sometimes, the “beef” is contained inside of the musicContinueContinue reading “What’s BEEF?”

Love And Quandaries: The Beginning of A Beautiful Story

I told everyone who had a set of ears at work how the beautiful stranger came back to see me. And not only that, but I now knew his name, Rich… So I began telling my coworkers: “The guy with the ponytail came back! And dig it, he came to see me! And I knowContinueContinue reading “Love And Quandaries: The Beginning of A Beautiful Story”

Being Successful On Your Own Terms

Finding Success On Your Own Terms Ever notice how the only time that most humans will give kudos to other humans, is when they are successful at doing common things? Think about it, academic accomplishments are awarded with a plethora of accolades, as are: marriages, new babies, career promotions, new businesses (depending on the business);ContinueContinue reading “Being Successful On Your Own Terms”

What Is The Common Denominator?

Cleaning Out Your Mental Space Often in life, we come across recurring issues. Sometimes these are good issues, and sometimes, they are not. However, if we take time out to investigate the situations at hand, we might find that there are similarities in the metamorphosis of many of our dilemma’s. Once this has been discovered,ContinueContinue reading “What Is The Common Denominator?”

What Do You Want People To Say About You

You Have Control Over The Way You Are Received I’ve heard the questions asked: “If you died today, what would you want said in your eulogy?” Or, “What would you like for your obituary to say about you?”. While I don’t disagree with those exercises, I think a more important question is: If you areContinueContinue reading “What Do You Want People To Say About You”

Deconditioning Yourself

Breaking The Rules of Tradition From birth, us humans have been being trained. We’re trained to walk, talk, go potty, and around ages 3 or 4, we begin social training — things such as: manners, sharing, and etiquette. The next course of training is morality. This is basically where we are taught the difference betweenContinueContinue reading “Deconditioning Yourself”

Positivity VS Happiness — Are They One And The Same?

Accepting Positivity And Happiness As Separate Entities While scrolling Instagram a few days ago, I ran across the meme posted above, and it really hit home for me. “Staying positive doesn’t mean that you have to be happy all the time”. Well, that’s a relief. If being positive meant always being happy, then I’ve failedContinueContinue reading “Positivity VS Happiness — Are They One And The Same?”

Darkness, Static, & Light

Staying In The Game The day that I learned about the particulars of Borderline Personality Disorder was one of the hardest days that I’ve had to endure thus far. The first thing that came to mind was: “Most likely, I once had a chance at being great at something. Everything that I have done, beenContinueContinue reading “Darkness, Static, & Light”

Afrologik’s Top 5 Hype Jams!

Songs That Will Get You Off Your Ass! Music is a spirit. It’s a spirit that moves and grooves. I can only speak for myself, but music has gotten me through all of my rough times and has provided the soundtrack for all of my awesome times. I haven’t done a top five in aContinueContinue reading “Afrologik’s Top 5 Hype Jams!”

Returning To The Good Vibes Zone

A Short Story About Brandi Badd Ass A while back, I was having trouble staying in balance. Suddenly, I started losing weight. I wasn’t trying to, and I had been eating as much as I usually do. Within a few weeks I had lost nearly twenty pounds; I was barely 100 pounds. I would alsoContinueContinue reading “Returning To The Good Vibes Zone”

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