What’s BEEF?

What can be learned from other people’s beefs. If you’re a Hip Hop Head as I am, then you are probably familiar with rap beef. However, in case you’re not familiar, a rap beef is when two or more rappers engage in a dispute via music. Sometimes, the “beef” is contained inside of the musicContinueContinue reading “What’s BEEF?”

Love And Quandaries: The Beginning of A Beautiful Story

I told everyone who had a set of ears at work how the beautiful stranger came back to see me. And not only that, but I now knew his name, Rich… So I began telling my coworkers: “The guy with the ponytail came back! And dig it, he came to see me! And I knowContinueContinue reading “Love And Quandaries: The Beginning of A Beautiful Story”

Untitled (Hegemonic Love)

That Love… That love that you think you want.  You’ve created its perfect image in your mind.  You know what it is, but you’re not quite sure of where it is.  But you know that it exists.  It has to. That love that does not aggravate, irritate, discriminate, or confuse.  It doesn’t make you questionContinueContinue reading “Untitled (Hegemonic Love)”

What Is Your Passion?

Making Time, Not Excuses (As I was rummaging through old notebooks today, I ran across this this article — it was written several years ago. At first, I was going to rewrite it and make some things about it more current. Instead, I decided to keep it the way it is, as it makes veryContinueContinue reading “What Is Your Passion?”

What Is The Common Denominator?

Cleaning Out Your Mental Space Often in life, we come across recurring issues. Sometimes these are good issues, and sometimes, they are not. However, if we take time out to investigate the situations at hand, we might find that there are similarities in the metamorphosis of many of our dilemma’s. Once this has been discovered,ContinueContinue reading “What Is The Common Denominator?”

Breaking Free

Blog #50! I Did It! Blog number 50! I’m so proud. yet so humbled. I’m proud of myself, because I’ve stuck with it, and I’ve enjoyed the whole ride. Even with a crazy work schedule and life happening here and there (as life tends to do), I’ve hung in there and kept a schedule of,ContinueContinue reading “Breaking Free”

When Your Strengths Are Their Insecurities

“Just Be Thankful For What You’ve Got” ~William DeVaughn We all have those moments when we are feeling the three F’s: “fine, fly, and fabulous”. There’s nothing wrong with that. If we don’t think highly of ourselves, how can we expect anyone else to? Contrary to what most of us are led to believe, weContinueContinue reading “When Your Strengths Are Their Insecurities”

Not Feeling Guilty About Our Guilty Pleasures.

Embracing Your Interests And Curiosities I’m sure that we all have a few oddities that contributes to the people that we are–perhaps, some interests or hobbies that do not reflect our cultures or outer selves. To avoid criticisms and judgements from those who may not understand our unusual interests, we might choose to enjoy ourContinueContinue reading “Not Feeling Guilty About Our Guilty Pleasures.”

Taking Care of Your “Right Now’s”

Allowing Yourself To Be Vulnerable In my quest for some level of mental stability, I sometimes find myself quite angry, which usually leads to sadness. This is no good because I really do work hard to stay in the good vibes zone, but how can I stay in the zone when I have trouble findingContinueContinue reading “Taking Care of Your “Right Now’s””

Darkness, Static, & Light

Staying In The Game The day that I learned about the particulars of Borderline Personality Disorder was one of the hardest days that I’ve had to endure thus far. The first thing that came to mind was: “Most likely, I once had a chance at being great at something. Everything that I have done, beenContinueContinue reading “Darkness, Static, & Light”

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